Friends of Huntington Cemetery


Introducing the Friends of Huntington Cemetery

Who we are.

We’re a group of people who are committed to making the cemetery a welcoming place for
anyone paying their respects to the people who are resting there.

What we do.

We play an active role in the upkeep of the cemetery by helping where we are needed.

The types of things we do are:
*   Tidying between the graves.
*   Removing dead flowers.
*   Giving the gravestones a wash if they have cut grass or bird mess on them.
*   Clearing any rubbish that has been blown into the cemetery.

But it doesn’t stop there, we also plan to create areas for quiet reflection and will
be planting some spring bulbs to make the cemetery welcoming.

Finally, we also represent the general public’s view on any plans for the cemetery.

When we meet.

We’re at the cemetery every Saturday through spring and summer.
You may even see us at other times during the week if we’re free.

We welcome new members.

Members may work as and when available or just support us by coming in for a chat.
If you want to chat about our group and what we are doing, please feel free to approach us.
We are easy to spot as we will all wear a hi-vis vest.

If you’re interested in getting involved or would like to join us, please send an email to: with your name, address, telephone number and email address.

Please let us know if you would rather look after your own plot.

We appreciate having others touch your loved one’s grave isn’t right for everyone.
If you would like to look after your own plot, please send the details of your loved one to:
We’ll add them to the list of graves that we don’t need to clean.
The Friends of Huntington Cemetery are here to help only where we’re needed.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions please feel free to email:



News and dates of upcoming meetings of the group will be added when available.